​​​​​Board of Directors

Name:                                                                          Term Expires:                                                              Name:                                                                          Term Expires:

​​Allegra Schell (1991                                   April 2025                                                  Darlene Price (1974)                                  April 2025

Vitaliano Figueora (1989)                         April 2025                                                   VACANT

Paul Dolan (1971)                                      April 2026                                                   Thomas Ausley (1989)                               April 2026 

Sharon Morris (1990)                                April 2026                                                   Robert Nance (1973)                                 April 2026            G. Gail Davis   (1956)                                 April 2027                                                   Kevin Varella Sr. (1977)                             April 2027            Deb Cockfield (1976)                                 April 2027​                                                   James Clements                                         April 2027          

​​​​​​​​​Nicolasa Jimenez (1989)

Thomas Ausley

Vice President: June 2023 - April 2025

Tom is a 1989 Graduate of Central High School.


Elaine Whited (Chair)

Paul Dolan

Sharon Morris

Deb Bush

James Clements (Fundraising only)

Rob Nance (Fundraising only)

Darlene Price (Scholarship only)

Kevin Varella (Scholarship only)

Jayne O'Brien (Scholarship only)

The affairs and administration of the alumni association are conducted by the Association Board of Directors in accordance with the approved by-laws (scroll down for the by-laws). 

The Executive Committee which is comprised of the four elected officers and at least one director has the authority and responsibility to conduct normal day-to-day business in between Director's meetings


Committee Members

Elaine (Smith) Whited

Secretary:​ October 2023 - April, 2026

Elaine graduated Central in June of 1974. She recently retired from Brown University where she was the Benefits System Analyst.  Elaine has 2 daughters, 5 grandchildren and 1 great-granddaughter.  She also serves on the Central's Class of 1974 Reunion Committee.

Elected Officers 

Sharon Morris

President: June 2023 - April 2026

Sharon is a 1990 Graduate of Central.  She was a member of the 88-89 and 89-90 Girls Basketball Team, a member of the Softball Team, and Senior Class President.  She has more than 25 years of Affordable Housing Experience.  Since 2018 she has been the Executive Director of Omni Development Corporation, overseeing a portfolio of more than 1000 apartments.  Sharon enjoys serving her community and it is demonstrated by the diverse boards that she serves on.  She is on the Board of Directors of BCBS-RI;  YouthBuild Preparatory Academy;  Housing Network of RI;  and the FHLB – Boston, Affordable Housing Program Advisory Council.  She is a life member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., currently a member of the Providence Alumnae. 

 Jayne O'Brien

Treasurer: 2023 - April 2025

Jayne graduated Central

in 1969. She was captain of the cheerleading squad in her senior year. Jayne obtained an Associate degree in nursing and was an RN at Hasbro Children's Hospital Emergency Room until retirement.

The bylaws include an improved election process, the establishment of an Executive Committee, the provision for a Named Scholarship within the Scholarship Program, an annual posting of the meeting schedule on the website, and clarification of the makeup of standing committees.  Please read it over and learn how we function as an organization and then decide to get more involved.  Remember that we are a 501(c)3 approved tax-exempt entity.

  At the beginning of March 2018, our directors approved the establishment of the CHSAAP Athletic Hall of Fame.  Click on the above button and go to Article 7, Section F to learn the details.  Please go to the Athletic Hall of Fame page for further information.


TBD (Chair)

Gail Davis

Kevin Varella

Deb Bush

Robert Nance

Tom Ausley

Jayne O'Brien

Advisory Directors



James Clements (Chair)

Robert Nance

Elaine Whited