By Steve Bianchi
Back on May 2nd, Central had its 'Reach Higher' event in the school auditorium.  'Reach Higher' is an initiative put together by first lady Michelle Obama that is dedicated to having high school students around the country prepare for their immediate future, whether for college or the military.  Central is the first school in New England and one of the first in the country to take advantage of this initiative.

Central Principal Julia Carlson was in charge of the lively ceremonies which were mostly attended by Central seniors, some juniors and invited guests, including public officials and several Central High School Alumni Association members.

Public official attendees included Governor Gina M. Raimondo and first gentleman Andy Moffett, Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza, Providence Superintendant of Schools Christoper N. Maher and past Central grads including State Senator Harold Metts and Judge Frank Caprio.  Some C.H.S.A.A.P. attendees included Don Bianco, class president '59 and (pictured) Cathy Crepeau, also of the class of '59, Madeline Regine, class of '60 and Mary Ellen Mullen, class of '67.

Governor Raimondo described how her going to college was a financial challenge and how Central students should take advantage of available scholarships.  Superintendant Maher reminded students that "reaching higher" in their future education is their personal responsibility.

After the speaking concluded, the Central seniors were called up to the stage row by row to receive their congratulatory certificates naming the colleges they would be attending or the branch of military service they would be reporting to. 

A reception followed in which students, family and alumni got to greet each other and to partake in the enjoyment of ice cream.

The C.H.S.A.A.P. congratulates the Central senior class of 2016 and wishes them all the best in their future pursuits!  



Check out the latest Newsletter, Summer 2022--

Our first newsletter featured   the now deceased Mr. and Mrs. Elton Dexter:

By Steve Bianchi

CHSAAP and all Central Alumni congratulate Elton and Shirley  Dexter of North Scituate, RI on their 70th wedding anniversary, May 25th of this year!

Shirley was a Central graduate of the class of 1941 and Elton a graduate of the class of 1942.

They both grew up in North Scituate, but, back then, most northern Rhode Island towns did not have their own high schools.  Students up North traveled to Providence to attend High School.Those from Scituate came to Classical and Commercial ( later renamed Central).  There also was the old brick building to the left of Central , now the Classical area which was the former 'Old English High School" it was a 19th century building where many Central classes were conducted up until the new Classical building was erected.

Upon graduating Central at the start of World War II, Elton joined the Army and was trained at Fort Devens, Massachusetts.  He became a member of the Army Air Corps and received further training at Greensboro, North Carolina and Scottsdale, Arizona.

Having grown up in a small community , Shirley's family, the Arnolds, and Elton's family the Dexters were very familiar with each other.  The families enjoyed camping trips to Maine and Shirley ad Elton knew each other through church and neighborhood prior to elementary school.

Elton and Shirley were married shortly after his return from the war o May 25, 1946.  They have two sons, Brad and Scott, and one daughter, Cheryl.

ELTON is an accomplished musician and an excellent pianist, having played with many of Rhode Island's finest Bands and Orchestras down through the years at various locations.  He spent over twenty five years appearing at the Larchwood Inn and the Cock and Kettle.  His sons took after him playing sax and drums.

Elton also worked for the State of RI for many years as a Title Examiner.

Shirley has an unusual "Claim to Fame' of her own as a prolific "Greetings Sender". She is known throughout her community for sending out innumerable Birthday and Holiday greetings, congratulatory notes for Anniversaries, Graduations and all other accomplishments of friends, family, neighbors, and acquaintances.  She works at it every day and may set some king of record for creating and sending out greetings.

Despite going through a difficult aortic valve replacement operation four years ago, Shirley is still a lively lady who loves life.  Elton and Shirley have many, many fond memories of their childhood and their years at Central ( unfortunatly Shirley died in January 2017)

According to Elton, their motto for a long happy life is to exercise "Love, Patience, and respect".

Congratulations again to Elton and Shirley Dexter, a "dynamic duo" of Central grads from the classes of "41 and 42"

​​Central hosts 'Reach Higher' Event:

Editor:  Stephen V. Bianchi


We brought back the original name for our newsletter, "CENTRALITE".

From an editorial in the 1934 "Black and Gold" written by Arthur Reed: "The Centralite, Central's own newspaper, fills one of the greatest needs of the student body: the need of being brought closer and held more compactly together" and "The first issue with its broad topics, clear opinions, and high ideals, was such a success that it was deemed advisable to increase the size of the paper" and "what will the sports news be? What will be fresh and interesting?"

CLICK ON THE BUTTONS BELOW for the latest and previous editions: